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Skill represents special ability of the occupation. It can be special strike, spell, knowledge that raises heros statistics. There are several types of the skills - check out the glosary.

Undercroft offers these occupations:







Warrior is strong in melee combat. He's great in weapon expert skills and special combat moves.

Sword expert (passive skill)
First level: +20% to attack with swords and daggers
Next level: +30%
Stamina cost: none
Axe expert (passive skill)
First level: +20% to attack with axes and cutters
Next level: +30%
Stamina cost: none
Mace expert (passive skill)
First level: +25% to attack with maces and hammers
Next level: +37%
Stamina cost: none
Polearm expert (passive skill)
First level: +25% to attack with polearm
Next level: +37%
Stamina cost: none
Mind of steel (passive skill)
First level: fire, cold and poison resistances +2
Next level: +3
Stamina cost: none
Regeneration (passive skill)
First level: regenerates 1 stamina point per enemy killed by the party.
Next level: 2 sp/kill
Stamina cost: none
True leader (passive skill)
First level: warrior's speach increases party's morale. party's max. attack rises by 2 points for 10 rounds.
Stamina cost: 5
Next level: +4 points, duration 12 rounds.
Stamina cost: 8
Hard impact (charged skill)
First level: hard blow increases power to 125% with 10% chance to stun enemy for a while.
Stamina cost: 3
Next level: power 140%, chance to stun 11%
Stamina cost: 4
Round strike
First level: wide swing with two handed weapon only harms everything around the party with 75% of the power.
Stamina cost: 4
Next level: 85% of the power.
Stamina cost: 6
First level: strikes enemy with 80% of the power and knocks it back one square, if the strike breaks through the defence (i.e. damage is 1 or higher)
Stamina cost: 3
Next level: 90% of the power.
Stamina cost: 4
Blood brother
First level: gives warrior's blood to fellow hero to support his health. Transfers 5-10 hp.
Stamina cost: 1
Next level: transfers 10-20 hp
Stamina cost: 1
Totem of pain
First level: Creates horrible totem. All enemies within range of 3 squares get damage 10 for 5 rounds.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: Damage 20 for 6 rounds.
Stamina cost: 15


Priest use divine power to either heal friends or destroy enemies.
You can train him as a healer and a support character for the party: train bless, spiritual shield, heal, cure poison,...
or you can make him a fighting crusader: train mace or polearm expert, stun shield, strike of faithful,...

Mace expert (passive)
First level: +30% to attack with maces and hammers
Next level: +42%
Stamina cost: none
Polearm expert (passive)
First level: +30% to attack with polearms
Next level: +42%
Stamina cost: none
Stun shield (passive)
First level: Attacking enemy crushes on your shield. 20% of attack reflected. 5% chance to stun enemy.
Next level: 25% reflected. 7% chance to stun.
Stamina cost: none
Strike of faithful (charging skill)
First level: Your faith strenghtens your power and makes the attack harder. Power 200%.
Stamina cost: 4
Next level: Power 225%.
Stamina cost: 6
First level: Blessed heroes are gifted with divine strength and dexterity. +1 point for 10 rounds.
Stamina cost: 5
Next level: STR and DEX +2 points for 15 rounds.
Stamina cost: 10
Holy ground
First level: Sanctifies ground so the undead and demons take damage 12-22, while standing in. Duration 10 rounds.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: Damage 18-28. Duration 15.
Stamina cost: 15
Call archangel
First level: Summons powerful ally from heavens. Archangel's HP: 40, cold attack power: 8-12
Stamina cost: 50
Next level: HP: 45, power: 12-16.
Stamina cost: 58
First level: Heals 5-7 HP of a single hero.
Stamina cost: 6
Next level: Heals 11-14 HP.
Stamina cost: 9
Cure poison (no upgrade)
First level: Cures poison of a single hero.
Stamina cost: 20
Resurrection (no upgrade)
First level: Resurrects dead hero back to life with a minimum health and stamina.
Stamina cost: 40
Spiritual shield
First level: Raises hardness of the whole party. Physical resistence is 150% for 10 rounds.
Stamina cost: 12
Next level: Physical resistence is 175% for 15 rounds.
Stamina cost: 18
First level: Strikes with element, which the enemy has the weakest resistence against. Power 8-12.
Stamina cost: 6
Next level: Power 12-16.
Stamina cost: 8


Mage controls power of fire and cold to strike or thaw friends, can create flying blades and more. Be sure to train both fire and cold spells to have options, when you meet an enemy resistant to one element. Watch which spell attack on short distance, long distance and what can hit multiple targets.

Wizard's lore (passive)
First level: Increases wizard's stamina by 2 points per level.
Next level: 4 points per level.
Stamina cost: none
Ring of protection
First level: Creates protective ring on the ground. All party's resistances risen by 3 while standing in. Duration 4 rounds.
Stamina cost: 8
Next level: Resistances +6, duration 6 rounds.
Stamina cost: 11
Wall of energy
First level: Creates impenetrable wall of energy for 4 rounds.
Stamina cost: 8
Next level: Duration 8 rounds.
Stamina cost: 11
Thaw (no upgrade)
First level: Thaws all frozen party members.
Stamina cost: 14
Dancing blades
First level: Lay one or more sword class weapons on the ground. Spell makes them fight for you. Hit power 200% of the power of the source weapons.
Stamina cost: 16
Next level: Power 230%.
Stamina cost: 22
Fanged death
First level: Flying metal disc hits all around the party with power 12-22.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: Power 18-32.
Stamina cost: 14
Fireball (charging spell)
First level: Concentrates flames into sphere until it's released on target with power 5-8.
Stamina cost: 5
Next level: Power 10-15.
Stamina cost: 7
lava river
First level: Turns ground in front of the party into a lava burning all enemies ahead with power 10-30.
Stamina cost: 20
Next level: Power 18-40.
Stamina cost: 27
First level: Strike with power 5-8 and 18% chance to freeze enemies in front of you.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: Power 7-12. 21% chance.
Stamina cost: 12
Ice bolt
First level: Throws ball of ice causing cold hit with power 15-24. 5% chance to freeze the enemy.
Stamina cost: 9
Next level: Power 25-36. 6% chance.
Stamina cost: 13
First level: Creates sparkle on target hitting nearby enemies wih fire power 10-18.
Stamina cost: 8
Next level: Power 15-26.
Stamina cost: 11
Lightning (charging spell)
First level: Burns heavily both enemies in front of you with lightning. Fire attack 25-38.
Stamina cost: 25
Next level: Fire attack 39-54.
Stamina cost: 33


Summoner calls skeletons and dire ghosts, creates golems or deadly thorns or turn himself into beast.
You can have deadly werewolf, if you train turn to beast, monstrous bash, raging beast and vampire strike.
You can have classic summoner, if you concentrate on raise skeleton, create golem or call ancestors.
You can have an offensive wizard with ancestors, thorns and plaque fumes.

It's not bad to combine powers - to have good shapeshifter able to raise some skeletons to support attack.

Turn to beast
First level: Turns summoner into a very strong monster. Strenrgt and dexterity set to 200%. Duration 15 rounds.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: Strength and dexterity set to 230%. Duration 16 rounds.
Stamina cost: 15
Monstrous bash
First level: Very hard hit in beast form only. Power 160%.
Stamina cost: 5
Next level: Power 185%.
Stamina cost: 7
Raging beast
First level: In beast form swings your claws to harm all foes around the party with hit power 75%.
Stamina cost: 9
Next level: Power 85%.
Stamina cost: 13
Vampire bite
First level: In beast form bites enemy and sucks his life energy gaing 8-14 HP.
Stamina cost: 9
Next level: Power/gain 13-21.
Stamina cost: 13
Stone skin
First level: +5 points to physical and poison resistence for 10 rounds.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: +8 points. Duration 15 rounds.
Stamina cost: 16
Thorns of pain
First level: Raises glowing thorns from the ground with hit power 10-18.
Stamina cost: 7
Next level: Power 15-25
Stamina cost: 9
Plague fumes
First level: Creates cloud of putrid air that chokes the enemies while standing in it. Power 8-16. Duration 5.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: Power 14-24, duration 6.
Stamina cost: 13
Raise skeleton
First level: Creates one or more skeletons from the remains on the ground. Skeleton HP 20, power 6-12.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: Skeleton HP 27, power 9-16.
Stamina cost: 15
Call ancestors
First level: Summons spirits of ancestors, who grasp souls of all the enemies in front of the party with their ice cold talons. Cold attack 8-15.
Stamina cost: 8
Next level: Power 13-22.
Stamina cost: 11
Create golem
First level: Makes golem from armor or weapon on the ground. Golem attacks with fire power 6-10.
Stamina cost: 20
Next level: Power 10-14.
Stamina cost: 30
Regress lost soul (no upgrade)
First level: Resurrects dead hero back to life with minimum health and stamina.
Stamina cost: 40
Alchemy (no upgrade)
First level: Transform items bellow party's feet.
Stamina cost: 6
apple >> berries
berries >> apple
healing potions >> stamina potions of the same size
stamina potions >> healing potions of the same size
orkish brandy >> healing or stamina potion
remains >> arrows
mushrooms >> herbs
bread >> cheese
cheese >> bread


Assassin is excelent shooter and fast killer with deadly martial skills.
You can create martial art master if you give up using weapons and concentrate on barehand expert, exploding fist and cobra touch.
You can train deadly assassin, if you combine assassin weapon expert with lethal strike.
You can have superior marksman, if you use your points for range weapon expert supported by retrieve skill.

Barehand fight expert (passive)
First level: Increases attack with bare hands to 160% and raises stamina per kill by 2 points.
Next level: Power 185%, stamina gain 2 points.
Stamina cost: none
Assassin weapon expert (passive)
First level: 25% to attack with special assassin weapons
Next level: 37%
Stamina cost: none
Staff expert (passive)
First level: 25% to attack with staves
Next level: 37%
Stamina cost: none
Range attack expert (passive)
First level: 30% to attack with range weapons (bows, crossbows and throwing weapons).
Next level: 50%
Stamina cost: none
Retrieve (passive)
First level: 10% chance to retrieve arrow or thrown weapon.
Next level: 15%
Stamina cost: none
Body energy
First level: Assassin heals himself using his own body energy. Heals 8-16.
Stamina cost: 10
Next level: Heals 12-24.
Stamina cost: 14
chain strike
First level: Strikes 3 times in one turn with any weapon and power changed to 80%.
Stamina cost: 5
Next level: Strike power 85%.
Stamina cost: 6
Lethal strike
First level: Precise deadly strike with special assassin weapons with power 135%.
Stamina cost: 3
Next level: Power 150%.
Stamina cost: 4
Sneaking move (no upgrade)
First level: Assassin leads your party quickly and quietly. You move one step forward, enemies don't retaliate.
Stamina cost: 7
Shadow strike
First level: Strikes with melee weapon over distance. Power 70%.
Stamina cost: 4
Next level: Power 80%.
Stamina cost: 5
Exploding fist
First level: Concentrates energy into fist to deal fire blow. Strike has power of 50% of physical strike but turned into fire strike. Barehand only.
Stamina cost: 5
Next level: Power 55%.
Stamina cost: 6
Cobra touch
First level: Adds poison attack 6-10 to barehand attack. Barehand only.
Stamina cost: 5
Next level: Poison attack 8-14.
Stamina cost: 6

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