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Attack power is the crucial feature for combat. Any hero, including physicaly weak barehanded priest healer, has attack power displayed as a range between minimum and maximum value. This attack power is just an ability to create damage. When strike of certain power meets armor of certain hardness the result is actual damage (or hit if you like) to an opponent.

Attack power has two types: close and range. This is determined by weapon, you use. If you fight with sword, you perform close attacks. If you use bow or a throwing knives, you perform range attacts.

Attack power can have two components: a physical one and an elemental one. Usual weapons has only physical impact on the opponent - they cut, crush and pierce. But magical and special weapons can add an elemental bonus to the basic physical damage. For example: if you fight with poisoned blade your cuts deal physical damage by the blade and elemental bonus by the poison on the blade.


Close attack is performed with melee weapons like swords and axes. Target must be standing within reach of the party.
Range attack is performed with weapons able to deliver hit over a distance: bows, crossbows, throwing knives, throwing stars.
Shadow strike skill of an assassin makes his melee weapon kill over a distance.


Hero's tactics can be switched between defensive and offensive. Offensive heroes are in the first line. They cover the others and take the most damage. Enemy's attacks fell upon offensive heroes, however in extra rare causes hit can reach the defensive ones too, so they are not completely beyond the risk. Penalty for being defensive is, that you has almost no chance to reach enemy with melee weapon. You can choose your own tactics for the party. You can have four offensive fighters or you can hide one, two or three weak spellcasters or shooters in defensive mode. At least one hero must remain offensive.


There are three elements in the game: FIRE marked by symbol of flame , COLD marked by symbol of snowflake , POISON marked by symbol of green drop

Elements cause damage. Special weapons (like poisoneous ones) and spells (like fireball) deal damage of certain element. Also enemies can deal elemental damage. Spiders do poisoneous attacks. Fire demons do fire attacks.

On the other hand, heroes and enemies has differend resistances against elements. Where one element doesn't work at all, other can be very effective. For example fire demon can't be hit by fire, but is very sensitive to cold spells and weapons.

If you encounter resistant enemy, try weapon or spell of a different element to kill it. And keep resistances of your heroes balanced and high. Fighting spiders with a hero sensitive to poison is a certain way to make a corpse.


Passive skills work automatically. If you have them, you have the benefit. If you have sword expert your hits are harder, if you strike with sword.

Active skills has to be performed. If you want your fireball work, you have to cast it. This will take your hero's stamina and makes his move for the round finished.

No-upgrade skills cannot be upgraded to higher level unlike others. You have them or you have them not. Nothing else.

Charging skills are charged over time. By using them you don't shoot them immediately, but you start the charge instead. When you finish round without releasing the skill, it will raise its charge to second level and if you pass again you get a third level (which is the maximum). Charging raises temporarily level of the skill. Example: if you have fireball on 4th level and you let it charge to maximum, you deal damage (and loose stamina) as if you have 6th level of the spell.

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