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A few advices that might make your adventuring easier:
  • Don't spread your level-up points too much. Concentrate on a few skills and be a master of them. It's always good to maximize one favorite attack skill.

  • Try to keep your party balanced. If someone's experience is falling behind, let him strike a lot, get him a better weapon, or try to find some knowledge books and papers to improve his experience instantly.

  • If some enemy is too hard to beat, you probably need to get a better equipment or fight with a couple of easier monsters first. Some enemies are resistant against certain attacks, while weak against others. Try to figure out, what may work on them.

  • Even spellcasters can use 1 or 2 extra points in strength. Strength raises health and you don't need a charater that dies after a just one hit. You can train the strength or use a magical item to raise it.

  • Maximize defence (armor). Physical attacks of creatures is steadily rising in the game. Every single point in armor does count.

  • Keep your resistances balanced and high. Even strong warrior in full armor may fall easily if he is weak to fire and meets a fiery demon.

  • Try to deplete health and stamina of your heroes before you regenerate. It's a waste of sources to try to run around with full HP and SP all the time. Resting in inns seems expensive, but if all your meters are hitting bottom it's actually cheaper. Your heroes can fight while they breath!

  • Normal strikes do not need stamina! Keep that in mind, get your heroes good weapons and use superstrikes strategically, not constantly. Otherwise you will spend a fortune on stamina potions needlessly.