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A hero in Undercroft can pick one of 5 classes. Every class gives a different bonuses in the beginning and most importantly a different set of skills.

A skill represents a special ability of a class. It can be a special strike, spell or some knowledge that raises hero's statistics.

There are passive skills that improve hero's performance automaticaly all the time. And there are active skills, which have to be selected and used in order to get their effect.

Note: It is very important to specialise on certain kind of weapon, and pick one favorite super-strike. If you spread your points too much, the character will be too weak.

In Undercroft there are these classes:
  • Strong in melee combat.
  • Expert in various types of weapons and special combat moves.
  • Starting attributes: STR: 6, DEX: 2, CON: 2
  • Gets bonus +2 to defence.
  • Pick one weapon expertise and stay with it.
  • Maximize the chosen weapon expert skill, but don't forget about the strength. The best warriors have the both very high.

Sword expert (passive)
Increases attack with swords and daggers. A weapon expertise skill.

Axe expert (passive)
Increases attack with axes and cutters. A weapon expertise skill

Mace expert (passive)
Increases attack with maces and hammers. A weapon expertise skill

Polearm expert (passive)
Increases attack with polearms. A weapon expertise skill

Mind of steel (passive)
Increases resistance to fire, cold and poison.

Regeneration (passive)
Regenerates stamina for each slayed enemy. (Note: it doesn't have to be slain by the warrior)

True leader
Warrior increases the morale of the party.

Hard impact
Hard blow with a chance to stun the enemy for a while.

Round strike
Hits everything around party. Works only with a two handed weapon.

Knocks enemy back, if the hit overcomes the enemy's defence.

Blood brother
Gives warrior's blood to fellow hero.

Totem of pain
Enemies around the totem take damage every round.


  • Controls the power of fire, ice and lightning.
  • Can create flying blades with power of telekinesis, and cast other powerful spells.
  • Starting attributes: STR: 2, DEX: 2, CON: 6
  • Gets bonus +1 to fire and cold resistance.
  • Don't spread your points too much. Having many weak spell do not help in combat.
  • Put some points int constitution and wizard's lore to increase stamina.

Wizard's lore (passive)
Increases wizard's stamina per each level.

Ring of protection
Increases resistancesof the heroes, while the party stands in the ring.

Wall of energy
Creates an impenetrable wall of energy.

Unfreezes all prozen party members.

Dancing weapons
Turns weapons on the ground into party helpers. Lay weapons on the ground and cast the spell. You can raise multiple weapons.

Fanged death
Creates a flying metal disc that hits all enemies in adjacent squares.

Launches a deadly ball of fire.

River of lava
Turns the ground in front of the party into lava. Hits everything in front of you.

Freezes enemies standing in front of the party.

Ice bolt
Bursts shards of ice on a target with a chance to freeze it.

Creates a sparkle on a target hitting nearby enemies.

Heavily burns both enemies in front of the party.


  • Uses divine powers to either heal his friends or destroy enemies.
  • Strong against undead and demons.
  • Starting attributes: STR: 3, DEX: 3, CON: 4
  • Gets bonus +1 to cold and poison resistance.
  • Train holy warrior, stun shield and strike of faithful if you want to have offensive crusader-style character. Otherwise concentrate on healing and protective magic.

Holy warrior (passive)
Bonus for priest's special weapons. A weapon expertise skill

Stun shield (passive)
Reflects damage with a shield.

Persuades NPCs they are sinners, so they pay you.

Strike of faithful
Your faith strenghtens your attack.

Blesses the party to increase strength and dexterity.

Holy ground
Sanctified ground hurts demons and undead creatures.

Call archangel
Summons a powerful ally from heaven.

Heals the whole party.

Cure poison
Cures poison from the party.

Brings a dead hero back to life with minimum health and stamina.

Spiritual shield
Divine aura raises physical hardness of the party.

Attack against the weakest resistance of the enemy.


  • Summons skeletons, ghosts, or creates golems.
  • Casts deadly spells, or turns himself into a strong beast.
  • Starting attributes: STR: 4, DEX: 2, CON: 4
  • Gets bonus +1 to fire and poison resistance.
  • In beast form you can't use magic, only special attacks reserved for the summoners in beast form.
  • For werewolf-type of characters train turn to beast, monstrous bash and ragind beast.
  • Stone skinn is good agains monsters with very strong physical attack. Don't forget to use the spell, if you learned it!

Turn to beast
Turns a hero into a ferocious beast with superhuman strength. The beast has 0 fire resistance and can't cas any spells except special attacks for best form.

Monstrous bash
A savage hit, which can be only used in beast form.

Raging beast
In beast form, a hero attacks all foes around.

Vampire bite
In beast form, a hero bites an enemy and sucks his life.

Stone skin
Hardens the skin of the whole party increasing defense.

Thorns of pain
Raises glowing thorns from the ground.

Plaque fumes
Creates a cloud of putrid air that chokes enemies.

Raise skeleton
Creates skeletons from the remains on the ground. Lay remains on the ground and cast the spell. You can raise multiple skeletons.

Call ancestors
Ancient spirits attack the enemies in front of you.

Create golem
Creates golem from armor or weapon on the ground. You can create multiple golems.

Regress lost soul
Brings a dead hero back to life with minimum health and stamina.

Transforms items placed on the ground.

Transformation formulas:

1) exchanges potions of the same size

  • Excellent with bows, throwing weapons or exotic weapons.
  • Fast killer with deadly martial arts skills.
  • Starting attributes: STR: 4, DEX: 4, CON: 2
  • Gets bonus +2 to poison resistance.
  • Assassin is a versatile character, that can be developed in several ways.
  • For archer/thrower train marksman and put some point into retrieve.
  • For martial art master train unarmed combat and exploding fist or cobra touch.
  • Exotic weapon expert can use very special weapons later in the game, like whips, chains or tripple flails.
  • Chain strike is useful with any weapon, lethal strike works with exotic weapons or unarmed combat.

Unarmed combat (passive)
Increases attack in unarmed combat. recovers stamina. A weapon expertise skill

Exotic weapons (passive)
Increases attack with assassin's special weapons. A weapon expertise skill

Staff expert (passive)
Increases attack with staves. A weapon expertise skill

Marksman (passive)
Increases attack with bows, crossbows and throwing weapons. A weapon expertise skill

Retrieve (passive)
An ability to gather lost ammo.

Body energy
Assassin heals himself, using his own body energy.

Chain strike
Strikes 3 times in one turn with any weapon.

Lethal strike
A strike with the assassin weapons or unarmed.

Sneaky move
Assassin leads the party quickly and quietly. the party moves one step forward. enemies do not retaliate.

Shadow strike
A strike with a melee weapon over a distance.

Exploding fist
A hero does fire damage by focusing energy in his hand.

Cobra touch
Adds poison to a hand-to-hand strike.


Weapon expertise skills

Most of the classes have one or more weapon expertise skills. These passive skills add bonuses to attack power, whenever the hero uses a weapon of a corresponding type. For example:
  • If your warrior has the mace expert skill, he does higher damage, if he uses maces, hammers and cudgels. Type of a weapon is visible in the weapon's description in the inventory.
  • If your assassin has the exotic weapons skill, he does more damage with special weapons only assassins can use. Weapons exclusive for one class of heroes have yellow background in the inventory. Also the class is visible in the weapon's description in the inventory.
You can easily recognize, when you have the right weapon. You will see a small orange double plus sign on attack button and next to attack power in the inventory screen.
