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Take tankard at [11,2]. Click the rail and use tankard.

In Dunghill

Get work from Myron [9,12]. He'll give you a key. Open garden gate at [7,14].
Take two chickens at [4,15], [8,16].
Kill the giant worm inthe garden and go back to Myron for reward.
Give 5gp to beggar. He'll give you rusty key. Unlock door to townhall cellar [13,11].
Go to townhall cellar.
Pull levers at [12,6] and [13,8].
Take chickens at [12,9] and [9,6].
Move boulder from [7,7] to [4,10].
Take chicken at [11,11].
Go to pub's cellar. Ladder down is behind a foliage east from the pub's door.
Take chicken at [1,10].
Go back to surface. Bring all 6 chickens to Mathylde at [8,6].
Defeat Ukmar at [1,7], if you want some extra money.

Talk to woman at [3,4].
Get to cottage at [22,18] and enter the door.
Talk to man at [31,1].
Get job (and list) from merchat at [45,12].
Talk to woman at [47,10].
Talk to hunter at [41,9]. He'll give you bloody meat.
Kill demon at [42,18].
Defeat the dog at [28,4] and go to hunter for reward.
Enter the ancient tomb [32,1].

The Ancient Tomb

Get one bone key in sarcophagus [3,14].
Save the lost brother [23,5]. He'll give you another bone key.
Find button at [7,1].
Press all lever you encounter until you make your way to last chamber [5,9].
Use bone keys to unlock two locks on the walls.
Take poster at [2,10]. You'll got proof of heroism.
With proof go back to Nimlor and talk to watch at [45,7]. Answer "adventurer" and give him the proof.
Leave the village to the east.


Go to summoners cottage at [7,31] and take job he is offering. He'll give you empty flagon.
Free fairy at [13,35] to get power gem.
Get to woman at [6,41]. Prepare for battle if you agree to follow her.
Get 6 wolf furs to gypsy at [1,23].
Give bread and cheese to statue at [4,22].
Talk to monks in temple at [5,18]. They'll give you holy water.
Go down into a lava pit on 11,22.
Find ruby at [7,9].
Find and step into 4 glowing circles on the ground. They are at [1,14], [5,8], [13,4], [13,13].
After destruction of the fourth circle, fire lord appears near the exit. Kill him and get the second ruby.
Put two ruby stones into skull at [5,8].
Go through bush at [5,13] and find a troll cave entrance.
Find runic stones at [13,14] to repair broken teleport obelisk.
In the troll cave fill flagon with water at [5,2] and bring it back to summoner.


Find woodcutters cottage at [15,35]. Get wolf-killing job from them.
Ron will appear at [13,35]. He'll take you to hidden clearance. Kill all wolves here and go with ron back to collect the reward.
Go to village. Talk to Edwin at [23,25].
Talk to highlander at [34,26].
Talk to troll at [34,22] and get a forest spell of passage.
Talk to guard at [37,30].
Talk to Ogla the druid at [24,37].
Go to ogla's maze.

Follow this sequence through the maze (L=turn left, R=turn right, F=move forward, P=push boulder)

Starting position: 27,43, facing south.

go to [23,44] and turn to south,
go to [28,50] and kill the troll,
take ogla's herbs at [24,52].

To leave the maze easily it is best to use your map.
Maze in the beginning:

Maze, when you reach the herbs:

Give ogla's herbs to Edwin.
Then click on Aenor's statue at [27,29] and take spring stone.
Click well at [29,32] and take stone crook.
Give bottle of orkish brandy to beggar at [31,32].
Use stone crook on monk's statune at [2,26].
Go to wolf's lair at [8,27].
Use secret passage to east at [7,2] and get an icebear bow there. Bring it back to sad archer in the village at [34,26]. Enter mines at [11,19].

Repair teleport obelisk at [2,21].
Go to [24,21]. Here is a rebus with levers. Pull levers at [22,19], [23,21] and [27,21].
Take miner's key on 28,18.
Use the key at [4,6]. There's pick behind the door and you'll be able to get the gold out of the rock.
Find exit on 22,44.

On surface again.
Go to [30,3] to recharge the spring stone.
Go to [26,5] and click the avalanche. Then recharge the stone again.
Talk to captain Roland in tent at [37,6].
Melt the avalanche at [29,9].
Use secret passage [29,11], follow the path and go through the rock again at [39,20].
Go back to village and talk to guard at [37,30], open the gate and leave the village.


Go to gravedigger's cottage at [5,3]. Talk to gravedigger.
Go to [10,3], unlock the door and enter the cellar.
Kill all rats here. Take two iron keys in chest at [1,4]. There's hidden lever at [5,1].
Talk to gravedigger.
Open gate at [9,13] and loot the tomb behind it.
Open gate at [16,13] with the second key.
Go to tomb of Vigus at [20,12].
Pull levers at [4,12], [6,12], [12,12].
Get the first seal quarter in sarcophagus at [8,19].

Tomb of Ambrius

Enter tomb of Ambrius at [20,14].
Get tomb key at [11,1].
Enter teleport at [1,3], emty the chest and click the torch to teleport out.
Get the chateau de carcass at [11,10].
Get second tomb key in sarcophagus at [5,16].
Go to lower level and use both keys on locks to get to the treasure.
Go back to gravedigger.


Go to catacombs at [30,13].
Go down at [11,12].
Find exit up at [15,6].
Get gear in chest at [27,9].
Remove timber blocking the door at [22,7], then free door at [13,8].
Go down at [12,4].
On lower level find chamber with a lot of skeletons on the ground.
Don't step on remains with blood stain under. Find a way across the chamber to lever at [3,3] and pull it.
Then pull lever at [3,7].
Get to the sarcophagus at [2,5] and empty it. You have second part of the seal

Go up.
Go to chamber at [15,2], crack the wall at [17,2] and get the second gear from the chest at [20,1].
Use both gears on lever at [20,9].
Find exit up at [17,15] - you are back on the graveyard.
Remove timbers from gates at [33,10] and [33,16].
Break vase at [35,6] and get the rusty key.
Click on tools at [37,7]. Kill all the zombies and click the tools again.
Open gate at [9,25], enter the tomb at [13,25], kill Mad Edward there and get the ancient necklace.
Take the necklace to zombie at [37,20]. She'll give you golden key.
Use the key on gate at [20,21].
Go to gravedigger. He'll give you third part of the seal.

Go to catacombs again.
You can trade with goblin at [40,4], if you give him rat meat or chicken leg.
Find exit down at [45,14] behind an illusian wall.
On lower level find there a teleport maze at [3,24].
Clue for the maze:
  • green grass means: go north
  • white flower means: go east
  • red flower means: go south
  • yellow flower means: go west
    Find exit up at [12,20].
    Go to chest at [46,4]. Close doors to the west, north and east before you open the chest.
    Take fourth part of the seal from the chest.
    Open the three doors one by one, kill the zombies and pull the levers to open the door to the south.
    Go to graveyard to a royal tomb at [26,26].
    Click the round stone blocking the entrance and enter the tomb.

    Royal tomb

    Find ruby at [13,14].
    Press button at [13,19] and kill the skeleton to get the second ruby.
    Use both rubies on skull at [22,13]. Use teleport to enter a secret chamber.
    Button at [28,7] opens an entrance to another secret area.
    Drag an enemy to a plate at [22,8] to open secret area to the north.
    How to pass chamber of sun: start on positiat [24,20], then move to following direstions: EESS WWWW SSEE.
    Behind the chamber find the stairs down. On the lower level go south, until you find another stairs down.

    Go to [8,7].
    Read book to the east until you rip a paper with runes out of it.
    Use stairs up at [4,2].
    Find flute at [12,6]. (You have to break a cracked wall to get there.)
    Take items from sarcophagus at [2,9].
    Put severed skull on pedestal at [2,12].
    Put sandals on pedestal at [1,7].
    Put left hand on pedestal at [2,5].
    Put right hand on pedestal at [3,7].

    Go down and then use stairs up at [8,14].
    Go to [17,29]. You are in chamber with a lot of cracked walls around. Break them all and find 8 levers. Pull them to open door on the west.
    Go through illusional wall at [13,28] and press button at [12,22].
    Get to painted wall at [2,17].
    Use paper with runes on it and click it again.
    Correct answer is "nis" and "oghal".

    Go to [29,25] and click the torch. Then cross the water.
    Open sarcophagus at [35,28] and kill the stone golem.

    Go to [34,11]. (Beware of turning teleports at [26,12] and [36,12].)
    Press the button and then again button at [34,13].
    Break wall at [30,11] and use flute on sign behind it.
    To leave the chamber press button at [30,13] and enter the teleport.

    Now you can use the teleport on lower level at [8,6] to enter the king's chamber.
    Talk to king and then return to graveyard.
    Talk to king again at [27,21].
    Leave the graveyard through hole at [28,20].

    Pass the spider tunnel (altar of restoration is at [16,16]).

    In the cloister:
    Go to [38,9] and talk to hangman.
    Find fat dead tothe north from there and kill it. Talk again with the hangman.
    Go to prior's cell and click the book at [20,12]. (You can see it only, when you are facing north). You'll get tower key.
    Find clapper at [3,4].
    Unlock tower at [8,6].
    Climb up the tower and use clapper on bell at [12,2]. Ring the bell 12 times.
    Find prior's key in chest at [14,0].
    Back to cloister...
    Prior's key fits to door at [9,13].
    Go to library. Entrance is at [28,1].

    In library

    Find book at [6,10]. Click it and read it.
    Click geen book at [1,16] and take sprig.
    Click red book at [1,13] and take scale.
    Click blue book at [1,11] and take pearl.
    Use lever at [4,19].
    Fill hole at [3,22] in this order: scale, sprig, pearl. You'll open a secret area at [2,20].

    To explore the whole library, you can follow this sequence of actions (there is more that one way through):
    Click lever [10,17]. Take ruby at [13,16]. Click book on the ground at [14,17]. Teleport [16,21]. Buttat [12,15]. Lever [14,13]. Book in the shelf [13,13]. Book [12,11]. Buttat [16,10]. Teleport [16,8]. Buttat [6,15]. Buttat [3,12]. Buttat [3,10]. Lever [8,10]. Lever [9,8]. Teleport [15,4]. Buttat [11,1]. Teleport [12,1]. Teleport [13,5]. Teleport [16,2]. Lever [12,5]. Take ruby at [9,4]. Teleport [16,8]. Book [5,7]. Teleport [7,7]. Teleport [6,4]. Lever [2,7]. Put rubies in skull at [3,3].

    Leave library and go to temple to statue at [37,7].
    Click the statue, until it's heading to south and wall at [36,6] opens. Then follow the way down.

    In the cloister underground

    Talk to monk at [17,7].
    Take iron key at [14,1].
    Click button at [10,1] and press plate at [9,2].
    Click torch at [4,3] to open door at [3,1].
    Press button at [5,7] and take the second iron key at [5,6].
    Use one iron key on door at [8,9] and the second one later at [13,11].
    Use stairs down at [8,10].

    Go to [3,7] and fall down.
    Pull lever at [32,4].
    Open door at [31,3] and door at [34,4]. take the stairs at [32,7] up.
    Survive interrogation and the fight a way to warder at [18,8] (or somewhere near). Kill him and take two keys.
    Open armory at [23,6] and take viper staff.
    Go upstairs and give the viper staff to monk at [17,7]. Then kill the monk.
    On second level, save people in northwest corner. Talk to all 4 of them.
    Use ladder at [19,22] to go up. Take bone key at [1,5] and go down again.
    Unlock door at [25,20].
    Fight your way through to exit at [28,16].

    Go to [4,4].
    Kill everything. Priest master will drop a key. Use it at [6,2] and leave the cloister.


    The city offers many quest and you will meet many enemies with differend hardness. I will describe solution for separate quests, but the order of solving them depends on you. If you meet something too tough just continue with another one and go back later, when you got better stuff and experience. Rats in sewers
    Talk to sewage worker at [22,24]. He'll give you manhole key, which you need to enter the city sewers. Kill all the rats in the sewers. You will have to explore the whole level to do that. There's 29 rats.

    Missing boy
    Offer help to a woman at [18,20]. Kill spiders in the city park and reach [3,30]. Then go back to the woman. You can get to the park through city sewers, but first you need to complete quest adventurer and open the main tank. To survive this you have to drain a water form it by turning wheel at [7,14], [32,14] and a hidden one at [16,5]. There's button [18,7] - click it and the others you find in the oppened area to get to the hidden wheel.

    Offer help to an alchemist at [48,27]. Unlock dorr at [47,26]. Inside the house go to the cellar and kill the demon. Then talk to the alchemist again.

    Talk to an apple merchant at [23,5]. Go to Mad Dwarf's pub at [51,25] and find Rimbrock. Kill him and take his axe. Give the axe to the apple merchant. If you want to solve the paying debts quest, then go to Duncan's Axes shop at [30,26] first and show the axe there before you give it to the merchant. He will disappear and clear a way to a very importaint sewer hatch.

    Paying debts
    Go to Duncan's Axes shop at [30,26] and ask Duncan, why he's in bad mood. Talk to apple merchant at [23,5] to locate Rimbrock. Go to Mad Dwarf's pub at [51,25] and find Rimbrock. Kill him and take his axe. Then go to the Duncan's Axes shop at [30,26] and show the axe there.

    Befert hermit
    Read note column at [36,26] until you read message from Hermit's Eden. Give money to a beggar at [52,29]. Open door at [54,31]. Kill thugs and go inside. You find crates with some ware there. Then go to Hermit's Eden at [19,20] to get the reward.

    Read note column at [36,26] until you read message from Lady Elbrunda. Go to sewers. Missing dog is at [24,24]. Knock at door at [29,17] and collect the reward.

    Retired gladiator
    Talk to Razzik at [52,22]. Talk to Khumrac at [42,13]. Kill everything in the arena. You have to righ the bell to start next round and you must kill all creatures in the round. There are four rounds. Ask for reward (choice is yours) and then talk to Razzik again.

    Find merchant in Jolly Goose Tavern at [35,2]. Knock at door at [28,9] and offer your services to smugglers. Do four jobs for them to finish the game.

    First job for smugglers: Knock on five doors in the city to collect a ransom. In city zoo you will be attacked by animals and in the warehouse in the port you will be lured inside and attacked by some roughnecks. Kill their boss to get the money you came for. The doors you need to visit are on these coordinations: [23,2], [17,25], [47,33], [49,11], [47,7].

    Second job for smugglers: Go to sewers, kill two other parties and get their rings. You wil find team of assassins at [35,16] - Shadow cloak bears the ring. Team of lizardmen is at [3,24] and ring is held by Krissrak. Lizardmen are behind the main tank. See quest missing boy to find out how to get there.

    Third job for smugglers: Get in the house through window at [32,27]. Get in the cellar. Kill executioners to get keys to locked doors. Find keg at [23,14]. Use it on door at [17,6]. Go to [17,13]. New warehouse
    Fourth job for smugglers: To do this you have to drive evil ghost of duke Falstad out of the cursed house. The house is at [23,31]. Follow description in house of horror quest.

    House of horror
    After recieving the fourth job from smugglers enter the house at [23,31]. Go to [2,8]. Follow description in magic mirror quest.

    Magic mirror
    Go to city and alchemist's house at [47,26]. You need quest alchemist to be completed to get some answers from the man. Tell him about the mirror.

    Complete magic mirror quest. Buy a black cat at Zephran's Menagerie at [49,21]. Go to tree at[24,10] and get the cottage key from the hole. Go to city park to the cottage at [10,29], unlock the door and go through the cottage to the garden. Kill man-eating plant and take it's root. With the cat and the root go back to the alchemist.

    Magic circle
    Complete seeker quest. Go to cursed house and walk through the mirror at [2,8]. Walk through the mirror at [8,13]. Take golden key in the room. Find stairs up at [10,8]. Upstairs unlock door at [4,10] and in the dark area light up all the candles. Wraiths are destructible in the light. Candles are at [8,10], [6,4], [11,4], [15,4], [18,4], [18,15], [13,15], [6,15], [11,10] and [15,10].

    When the whole area is lighten up you can find shards at [13,8]. Take it downstairs and fix the mirror at [8,15]. Go through and then through the mirror at [6,19]. Read book at [19,5]. Go to [4,3] and find a dungeon key in a blue book in a bookshelf to the east. Go down the stairs to the dungeon. Unlock door at [11,9]. Go to [17,9]. Go to the city and talk with the alchemist.

    Blood link
    Complete magic circle quest. Go back to cursed house and it's dungeon. Go to [17,9]. Go to [14,6]. Go to [14,14]. Go to [9,16]. Go to [3,9]. Go to [4,4]. Click a crack in the northern wall. Go to [2,2], click the bones and talk to necromancer's ghost. You will find a key there. You can use it on lock at [15,6].

    Duke of horror
    Complete blood link quest. Go to cursed house to the study room at [18,5]. Click the painting at [19,4]. Walk through the picture to the astral plane.

    Killing immortal
    Complete duke of horror quest. On astral plane destroy all glowing crystal. Their location: [1,4], [15,3], [8,10], [17,12], [3,15], [3,21], [10,18], [9,22], [17,27]. You will need two keys to get everywhere on the astral plane. One lies at [1,27], the second one is at [1,1]. After finishing the crystals go to [13,12] and kill the monster. Go to smuggler's HQ to finish the game.

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